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North Georgia Modurail

The Modular Road

HomeAbout Us

Who we are, and what we do

Modular model railroading allows an individual to build and own a small section, called a module, within a larger, assembled layout. When combined with other members' modules, the individual helps create a much larger, complete model railroad, limited only by the space to contain it.

Members are encouraged to build modules, using NGM's club standards to help ensure uniform operations with other modules in the layout. Our module standards are based on the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) Module Standards with some small variations. Often, these are straight sections - usually between 4 and 8 feet long - but can be curved as well. The club owns corner modules and various yard areas; at train shows, meets, and other events, we assemble these modules to form a single, larger layout.

By building a module, one is able to learn benchwork (the carpentry needed to build the frame), track laying techniques, realistic scenery creation skills, how to plan and build structures, kit building, "kit-bashing", electronics, and more.

Members of North Georgia Modurail display a wide range of skills and interests within the hobby. Some members recreate the glory days of steam-powered railroading during the 20th century, while others model contemporary railroads with the latest high-powered diesel locomotives pulling long strings of intermodal cars. All members share a love for the hobby and a desire to exchange ideas and tips with others. Some members excel at creating scenery, while others may specialize in building and detailing structures, electronics and installing DCC decoders, or painting and detailing rolling stock and locomotives.

No matter your area of interest, there is a place for you within NGM.


  • NGM membership is open to all interested model railroaders age 18 and above.
  • Those under 18 can participate as an "associate member" with a legal guardian who joins as the primary member.
  • Membership is by application, with approval by the club’s Board of Directors and full payment of annual dues.
  • Usually we will want to meet you and invite you to participate in a club event to help ensure a good mutual fit.
  • Dues are $75 per year, running from April 1st - March 31st, with proration for a partial year when joining mid-year. You can include minors or family members as associate members as well.
  • You can request a copy of the club’s by-laws for more details about membership, dues and responsibilities.
  • To apply for membership, click Join and complete the requested information, and one of our directors will be in touch with you soon. Thank you!

Want to know more?

  • Speak with any of our members at one of our public shows; just look for nametags.
  • Come to one of our monthly meetings and see for yourself.
  • Check us out on Facebook.
  • Email us and one of the club directors will respond as soon as possible.

North Georgia Modurail (NGM) supports the NMRA Digital Command Control (DCC) standard. We currently use many Digitrax products on our layout and member modules, including command stations, boosters and repeaters. Our club Members may use any brand of DCC compliant sound and non-sound decoders, as well as Digitrax or other compatible throttles. We also support Wi-Fi operations through mobile devices.

North Georgia Modular Railroad Club, Inc. (North Georgia Modurail) is a 501(c)(3) Georgia non-profit organization.